Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Happy Songs

The happy songs that I want to sing
Where every line rhymes and joy for sure rings
Light as feather heart and soul
Moonbeams and nectar
Sunshine and puffy clouds
Dancing like crazy, laughing till it hurts
Holding hands with someone who matters
Giggling crazy till tears stream wild
Enjoying life like its going out of style
Happy songs at the back of mind
They seldom make it to my lips all the way
But they exist
Oh they surely do
To tide me through whatever it is
That makes my day gloomy and blue
Happy songs like star bright
Happy songs my heart's delight
Happy songs that feel surreal
Happy songs make life livable


Words pour out, but they are all a jumble
Putting them together is like playing scrabble
Murderous intents and threatening calls
All put into words are just only that
Words on paper, word of mouth
Words have meanings that only we can define
Wars and peace a theory in words
Actions reduced to adjectives and verbs
Histories written written down to be studied and read
All in words, all devoid of pain
Words without feelings, clinically sterile
Words are nothing without your mind
Your sense and sensibilities add emotions to them
Words are only words they have no reason, they are lame
Words of love, words of hate
Words not weapons have won many a wars
How did words get so savvy
Its the one who says them with manner uncanny
Words just words would be like stones in a can
You rattle them together, only sound comes back
Words are more than words when hearts set to do so
Words are made meaningful when soul sets them free
Words are then birds flying high and wild
Words are messages then of freedom rites

Thursday, September 13, 2007


What is a ghost, is it a cluster of feelings and needs
hopes and dreams left unfulfilled
the best and worst a raw jumble of meanings
That we tried to sort through all our lives but couldnt
The best we wanted people to see in us but they just wouldnt
So now we float through eternity transperant and unseen
Only acknowledged for spirits we are, nothing personal to it
Misunderstood and ignored
Unheard and seen through
never felt or touched
Ghosts of our past, ghosts of our deeds
Ghosts that live within us and tell us we matter to noone so we dont really exist
A bog so deep in the well of our being
Where fantasies meet crushing, brutal realities of life
Ghosts dwell there of our dreams, which all died an infant death
Ghosts of actions we regret to this day
Scary and ghoulish ghosts of our sins
Romantic and warm ghosts of that coveted first kiss
All those ghosts, all those memories, all within and in distant horizon beyond
Ghosts of enormous human heart that keeps beating even after the body is long gone.