Tuesday, November 13, 2007


When is the exact moment we realize, we are not immortal
When is the exact moment it dawns on us that our loved ones can die
And leave us abandoned with nothing and no one to blame

When is the exact moment we feel the huge misery which cannot be contained in the whole world
At the same time we realize our own smallness in the universe
Helpless and waif like, weak and distraught
When is the exact moment when we overcome the life's greatest epiphany
that no matter how much you know or believe you cannot go on with the loss you endured
you still move on ...
The people you once held precious in heart become faded memories....life waits for nothing

When is the moment we succumb to the fact that even after reaching the peak we aimed for
there are still battles to be fought and wars to be won
When is that exact lightening moment that it finally becomes clear
Our best is not enough its not even close
And so it matters none
One or hundred, the effort, the total, the sum

When in that moment instead of breaking down and crying
We marvel at the challenges that are out there for us to conquer
We pick up the meagre pieces of our life and set sail, because new horizons are still to be found
Broken and undone, we might be then...
But still in that moment we choose to play the game.