Thursday, November 6, 2008

So So Common Place

Here I was, so glad I could string words together and actually make sense. Yup I could serve up a poem if the mood hit me right that may or may not rhyme...but it was an honest one. As in not thought up word by word to actually match or sound jingle like.
Then I got into this habit of checking out random blogs, common people's blogs as in not established writers...and whoa!!! everyone has a story to tell and we are all writers, this fact got so obvious that I felt I fell so short in literary department...I felt ashamed to have thoughts in my own mind and a little voice kept nagging, saying "so what? probably someone else would have a better take on it and even a more interesting argument".
Well now this rambling in the previous paragraph is what is making me write further, it is to simply quiet that nagging voice. Alright so I have a very commonplace attitude and since I may very well be the only person visiting here, since this blog is just my very own "Vent Room", I'm going to be my common place self and put down my commonplace ideas and in general this blog will be one mundane stomping grounds of my whims and fancies as they are.