Tuesday, May 14, 2013

SOS into the Universe.

Tear soaked SOS into the universe
A sixteen year old broken, torn and beautiful imagination
Remember do you, being on the edge of the world with it twirling crazily behind your heart?

Dreams that made no sense at all
The yearning so single minded, it blew all realms to smithereens
Remember do you, being so young you could fall apart and come together all at once?

Language of the hands and eyes
Maybe some lips, but no words whatsoever could define
Remember do you, the gasping and sighing of becoming more than you ever thought possible?

Love songs? Are you kidding me?
They were more than that
They were life songs, the reason for living, the right of the young, the ritual of the old, the being, just being, the opposite of which is, not being at all.

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