Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Dream a dream of a dream

A recurring dream, I have had it for years now. Every few months it makes an appearance. I am back there in time, where lies all that I fear, where all hopes sprang, where my roots still are.

I am standing on my side of the wall, looking up at that window, trying to catch a glimpse and I can't.
Its shadowy, its humid, its aromatic with moss and dampness, it smells of those years, so well preserved in deep memory.

The anticipation of seeing you, I don't know why it means so much. Somewhere in time a wrinkle happened that remained forever and on its underside everything remains as it was. I have it preserved forever in this dream I keep having.

In this dream, I am still a child and I am awed by you, why you though? I will never be able to make sense of that ... ever. For some reason in you I saw that need for connection. I always need to be the doer, I need to be the one giving comfort even when I need comforting myself (maybe that is one "positive" byproduct of being a borderline control freak??)

Could we have made a difference big enough to create ripples in the surface of time?
Why can I not help thinking there is a vital piece of puzzle that I hold, which if ever completed by your half will change our world forever, at least the part that affects us. Its a secret that was created in our youth, it is hope as precious as gold.

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